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UPF-BSMTransparency Portal

Here you will find the record of actions carried out by the UPF Barcelona School of Management on its journey towards international excellence. You will be able to consult the results of UPF-BSM initiatives, learn what the social audit is and the group of beneficiaries served, and read about the code of conduct and the code of governance, and good management practices.

Report History

The annual reports contain the most relevant events of each year and give an account of the goals that UPF-BSM has achieved as part of its commitment to quality.

Annual Code of Conduct Report

Annual Code of Conduct concerning temporary financial investments

Annual report on compliance with the code of conduct concerning temporary financial investments 2020–2021 (document in Catalan)

Download code of conduct report
Annual Code of Conduct concerning temporary financial investments

Annual report on compliance with the code of conduct concerning temporary financial investments 2020–2021 (document in Catalan)

Download code of conduct report
Annual Code of Conduct concerning temporary financial investments

Annual report on compliance with the code of conduct concerning temporary financial investments 2019–2020 (document in Catalan)

Download code of conduct report

UPF-BSM Coexistence Norms

UPF-BSM Coexistence Norms Document

Coexistence Norms 23-24

The UPF-BSM Coexistence Norms establish the basis for coexistence in the university environment in accordance with Law 3/2022.

Download the document
Evaluación y calificación

Evaluación y calificación

Esta normativa establece todos los aspectos relacionados con los sistemas de evaluación y calificación de los estudiantes; así como los mecanismos de revisión y compensación, tanto en asignaturas de los planes de estudios, como en complementos formativos obligatorios.

Descarga el documento


Beques i reconeixement al mèrit acadèmic

Beques i reconeixement al mèrit acadèmic

Aquesta normativa s'estableix per a ordenar tots els aspectes relatius a la concessió de beques i reconeixements al mèrit acadèmic de la UPF Barcelona School of Management.

Descarrega el document

Prácticas académicas externas

Prácticas académicas externas

El objeto de esta normativa es regular las prácticas académicas externas, curriculares y extracurriculares, que desarrolle el estudiantado de titulaciones oficiales y propias del Centro en el marco de su formación académica. 

Descarga el documento


Trabajos Finales de Máster

Trabajos Finales de Máster

La normativa regula la realización del trabajo final de máster, incluyendo objetivos, defensa, evaluación y propiedad intelectual, entre otros aspectos.

Descarga el documento


Economic Data

Compilation of all material related to the economic data and financial statement of the Fundación Instituto de Educación Continua.

Comptes anuals  2022 - 2023

Financial Statements and Auditing Report 2022 - 2023

Comptes anuals 2021 - 2022

Financial Statements and Auditing Report 2021 - 2022

Comptes anuals 2020 - 2021

Financial Statements and Auditing Report 2020 - 2021

Download document in catalan
Comptes anuals 2019 - 2020

Financial Statements and Auditing Report 2019 - 2020

Download document in catalan
Informe auditoria 2018 - 2019

Financial Statements and Auditing Report 2018 - 2019

Download document in catalan
Informe auditoria 2017 - 2018

Financial Statements and Auditing Report 2017 - 2018

Download document in catalan
Informe auditoria 2016 - 2017

Financial Statements and Auditing Report 2016 - 2017

Download document in catalan
Informe auditoria 2015 - 2016

Financial Statements and Auditing Report 2015 - 2016

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Informe auditoria 2014 - 2015

Financial Statements and Auditing Report 2014 - 2015

Download document in catalan

Institutional Information

Here you will find all the institutional documentation related to the organizational structure, general management, the articles of association, etc.

UPF-BSM General Terms and Conditions

These general terms and conditions of contract are intended to regulate the terms and conditions under which the Fundación Instituto de Educación Continua will offer information on its programming, carry out the process of admission of candidates in any of the courses and provide the participant with the training services that they have contracted, directly or through the affiliated centre owned by Barcelona School of Management.

See general terms and conditions

Applicable Regulations

  • Law 19/2014, of 29 December, on transparency, access to public information, and good governance.
  • Law 21/2014, of 29 December, on the protection of foundations and verification of the activity of associations declared to be of public utility.
  • Order JUS/152/2018, of 12 September, which establishes the level of subjection of foundations and associations declared to be of public utility to the transparency instruments established by Law 21/2014, of 29 December, on the protection of foundations and verification of the activity of associations declared to be of public utility.
  • Law 4/2008, of 24 April, governing the third book of the Catalan Civil Code, regarding legal persons.

Internal Information System

To comply with our values, a Internal Information System has been implemented, which can be used by anyone. This is yet another tool from UPF-BSM that helps to ensure the rights and well-being of all the people who are part of the school, assuring transparency, quality, and values that are the foundation of it.

You can make any communication through the form at the following link.

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Last updated: November 2023