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News Triodos chair

2 Marzo - 2023

Can you invest in sustainable finance without giving up on financial performance?

The study demonstrates that sustainable investment is an unstoppable trend in asset management, and that investment fund managers are immersed in the adaptation of their product offerings to the transparency regulation.

6 Febrero - 2023

Financial institutions and sustainable development goals

We attended the presentation of the conclusions of the 2022 Financial System Benchmark, which analyses the 400 most important global financial institutions in the world to assess how prepared they are to face the transformation towards a model of sustainability.

16 Enero - 2023

Barriers to financing social enterprising

Social enterprises have to overcome up to three different types of barriers in order to secure funding: at the individual, organizational and industry levels. Ramon Bastida, Vice Dean for Knowledge Transfer and researcher at International Chair in Sustainable Finance, explains it. 

14 Marzo - 2022

The Chair in Sustainable Finance announces the award for the best Final Master's Project on sustainable finance

The Triodos Chair in Sustainable Finance at UPF Barcelona School of Management announces the Award for the best Final Master's Project that addresses the topic of Sustainable Finance with the aim of promoting and giving them visibility.

1 Marzo - 2022

"Sustainable finance has always excluded the military industry"

The European Union's new regulations on sustainable investment threaten the financing of the military industry. Commission advisers recommend hanging the "socially unsustainable" label on the defense sector.

3 Febrero - 2022

"The EC considers gas and nuclear green energies to please France and Germany"

The European Commission (EC) has decided to include gas and nuclear energy as green energies within the taxonomy to point out to investors the activities that can be classified as sustainable or that contribute to reducing emissions.

30 Noviembre - 2021

Regulation to finance sustainable growth: less is nothing

The European Union (EU) has been working for years on how to encourage private capital to focus on financing sustainable activities. Measures have already been put in place within the action plan for financing sustainable growth.

30 Noviembre - 2021

Banks want to save the environment

Historian and writer Yuval Noah Harari writes in his book Sapiens, From Animals to Gods: “70,000 years ago, homo sapiens was still an insignificant animal minding its own business in a corner of Africa. In the following millennia they became the master of the entire planet and the terror of the ecosystem ”.

16 Noviembre - 2021

Collective plans come to revolutionize the pension system

The Ministry will put a brake on individual pension plans and will give wings to company or collective plans, increasing their deduction margin and creating a plan to strengthen them. The UPF Barcelona School of Management professor and Director of the Chair in Sustainable Finance, Marcos Eguiguren, believes that now is a good time to ensure the quality of future investments by these actors.

28 Mayo - 2021

Oriol Amat takes office as Rector of the UPF

Professor of Financial Economics and Accounting, Oriol Amat, has been sworn in as rector of the UPF in the presence of the Hon. Ms. Gemma Geis, Councilor for Research and Universities, and Hon. Ms. Victòria Alsina, Councilor for Foreign Action and Transparency, as well as different members of the university community of Catalonia. 

18 Mayo - 2021

Sustainable finance or the rapture of Europe

Europe is losing its place in the world by leaps and bounds. And the curious thing is that both European politicians and we, the citizens, remain oblivious to what is happening. Until it is too late.

13 Mayo - 2021

UPF Barcelona School of Management and Triodos Bank create the Chair in Sustainable Finance

The UPF Barcelona School of Management (UPF-BSM) and Triodos Bank, an ethical banking credit institution, sign an agreement for the creation of the Chair in Sustainable Finance (CSF), an international research center, exchange of experiences, dissemination and training in this area.

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