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Impact of consultancy in Catalonia


November 22, at 12pm


Versa Room (UPF-BSM)

Creativitat sobre la presentació de l'estudi de consultores en català

The UPF Barcelona School of Management (UPF-BSM) and the Associació Catalana d'Empreses Consultores (ACEC) are presenting the report «The Impact of Consultancy in Catalonia», the first study to measure the impact of the sector on the economic and social development of Catalonia on 22 November at 12pm.

Prepared by the UPF-BSM Sustainability Observatory in collaboration with ACEC, the report indicates that, in 2021, in Catalonia, there were 4,586 companies in this field with an accumulated annual turnover of more than 4,360 million euros. The study also shows that consultancy represents 1.83% of Catalan GDP

Oriol Amat, Rector of the Pompeu Fabra University (UPF), will welcome the attendees and then Jose M. Martinez, Director General of the UPF-BSM, will make an institutional intervention on behalf of the school. Jordi Marín, Director General of ACEC, will then introduce the research team, led by Oriol Montanyà, who will present the conclusions of the report. The event will be closed by Marta Curto, Director General for Economic Analysis and Foresight of the Catalan Government, and Joan Romero, Executive Director of ACCIÓ, the public agency for the competitiveness of Catalan companies. 


12 pm - Welcome

  • Oriol Amat, Rector of the UPF

12:05 pm - Institutional speeches

  • Jose M. Martinez, Director General of the UPF-BSM
  • Jordi Marín, Director General of ACEC

12:25 pm - Presentation of results

  • Oriol Montanyà, Director of the UPF-BSM Sustainability Observatory and co-author of the report

12:50 pm - Closing

  • Marta Curto, Director General for Economic Analysis and Foresight of the Catalan Government
  • Joan Romero, Executive Director of ACCIÓ
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