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Càtedra de Mediació Ciutadana

Chair of Citizen Mediation: restorative social practices to promote coexistence

UPF-BSMChair of Citizen Mediation: restorative social practices to promote coexistence

The UPF-BSM Chair of Citizen Mediation was created to develop systematized knowledge on restorative and reconstructive social practices with the aim of strengthening bonds between citizens and the local world with an intersectional perspective.

For a few years we have been witnessing events that, as a society, place us in a position which disrupts our daily lives, and which increases discomfort, and personal and social tension. This fact challenges the local world to increase spaces promoting coexistence and the strengthening of community bonds and to do so in a close and empathetic way.

The Chair gives us the opportunity to create and transfer academic knowledge related to restorative practices and to provide tools for professionals who support people and those who work to influence citizen coexistence.

The Chair of Citizen Mediation of the UPF-BSM and the Area of Equality and Social Sustainability of the Barcelona Council will respond to the current needs of society with the aim of offering tools to local entities for promoting inclusive coexistence and encouraging social cohesion.

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  • Generate systematized knowledge about restorative and reconstructive social practices in order to strengthen and repair bonds between citizens.Create a conceptual framework of restorative and reconstructive practices for the promotion of coexistence and community ties, especially at the local level.
  • Prepare a systematized compilation of the different restorative practices recognized locally.
  • Design and create methodologies and tools for restorative action for each of these practices in order to respond to the different needs and social contexts of the municipalities of the province of Barcelona.
  • Conduct experimental research to assess the impact of restorative methodologies on the community.
  • Design, implement, and evaluate restorative practices such as spaces for re-bonding and social reparation.


The chair will be co-directed by a combination of the directors of the Master in Professional Mediation and student interns.

maria munné

Maria Munné

Co-Director of the Chair

Co-Director of the Master in Professional Mediation. Design and management of citizen mediation centres in Catalonia. Supervisor of the practice of the restorative justice team (Generalitat de Catalunya).

Javier Wilhelm

Javier Wilhelm

Co-Director of the Chair

Co-Director of the Master in Professional Mediation. Design and management of citizen mediation centres in Catalonia. Design of local alternative measures programs.



Research Projects


Discussion Group on the Challenges of the Mediating Profession (2021)

LIMEDIAT international project, Spain, Licence Européenne en Médiation pour l'Inclusion Sociale, granted by the European Union, within the framework of its ERASMUS+ call.


Compartim Program on knowledge management of the Department of Justice, CoP Juvenile Criminal Mediation. The substitute victim

Creation of the theoretical framework and bases for a program with substitute victims in the field of juvenile criminal mediation.



Master in Professional Mediation
Trains students in conflict management in order to act as a mediator, both in business contexts and in civil, commercial, social, and criminal conflicts.


Maria Munné Tomàs and Javier Wilhelm Wainsztein 
Co-Directors of the Chair
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