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The EMPRÈN Project

1 Enero - 2011

Thanks to the support of the Generalitat de Catalunya, through its INICIA project, the 2010-2011 academic course will see the creation of a new IDEC service. The aim of the Emprèn project is to promote entrepreneurship throughout the IDEC community.

This service will apply a new system for promoting, detecting and supporting entrepreneurial initiatives among IDEC participants and former students which will allow:

  • the promotion of an entrepreneurial spirit among teaching staff, students and alumni, through the spreading of entrepreneurial culture,
  • the identification of entrepreneurial initiatives from within the university community itself,
  • counselling entrepreneurial individuals.

The offer of support services to those individuals interested in giving shape to a business initiative is based on activities as outlining a project, producing a business plan and analysing economic viability among others.

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