September 29th of this year saw the presentation of the first Master\'s in Auditing and Managerial Development for professionals at Deloitte, organised jointly by this company, IDEC-Universitat Pompeu Fabra and four other academic institutions from the rest of Spain : Universidad Pontifícia de Comillas, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Deusto Business School, and ETEA. This project will provide the 300 university students who have joined the company in recent months with the opportunity to complement the training which they are already receiving at Deloitte in the areas of business management and personal skills. Each of the universities collaborating in the project will manage training in their own geographical area. The aim is to offer this programme every year in order to attract and keep to new Deloitte employees.
This initiative demonstrates the consolidation and prestige of IDEC\'s line of in-company training. Through this service, IDEC designs tailor-made programmes which are closely linked to a company\'s strategy and designed with the organization in order to reach their objectives.