Next 7th April the Spanish Executives Association, the Club for Excellence in Management and IDEC-Universidad Pompeu Fabra will organise the first edition of the Barcelona Management Spring Meeting, which will be held in the IDEC auditorium. Under the title ?New management of organisations: clients and individuals?, the aim of the meeting focused on a debate about the present and future of business management and how it can transform organisations in the face of scenarios such as the current one, which is full of uncertainty, surprises and complexities. The event's opening ceremony will be attended by the Hble. Mr. Andreu Mas-Colell, Economics and Knowledge advisor for the Generalitat de Catalunya, and will be presented by Jaume Casals, executive vice-president of IDEC and University professor; Ramon Adell, president of AED (the Spanish Executives Association) and Miquel Montes, CEO for the CEG (Club for Excellence in Management in Catalonia) and deputy general director for Banc Sabadell. The meeting is centred to the talks by Alfons Duran-Pich, management consultant; Anna Ma Llopis, founder and CEO at Ideas4all; Juan Soto, president of honour at Hewlett Packard Spain; Alfonso Jiménez, president of the AED People Management commission and president of Peoplematters; Rosa M a García, former vice-president of Microsoft Western Europe and BME advisor; Juan María Nin, managing director of ?la Caixa? and patron of the Fundació CEDE (the Spanish Confederation of Managers and Executives); Guillem López i Casasnovas, professor of Economics at Universitat Pompeu Fabra and advisor to the Bank of Spain; Juan Carlos Cubeiro, president of Eurotalent, and Pedro Navarrete, managing director of SONY, Spain. The meeting will be led and presented by Antonio Ruiz Va, from Gas Natural Fenosa marketing and business strategy, as well as director of IDEC Executive Education programmes and member of the AED Board of Directors. And finally, talks and the event itself will be closed by Carme Martinell, managing director of IDEC-Universitat Pompeu Fabra.