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Toni Aira Foix

Toni Aira Foix

Senior Lecturer UPF-BSM
Academic Director

Toni Aira Foix is Senior Lecturer, Director of the Master's Degree in Political and Institutional Communication, and Director of the Agbar Chair of International Studies in Institutional Communication for Development and Sustainable Growth at the UPF Barcelona School of Management.

In the Faculty of Communication at the UPF, he has taught the Course of Marketing and Institutional, Social and Political Communication, and directs the End-of-Degree Workshop on Institutional, Social and Political Communication. He also teaches the subject Communication and Politics in the Faculty of Political Science and Administration at the UPF. He has also been Head of the Academic Area of...

  • Management, Law, Society & Humanities

  • Doctor, Social and Legal Sciences, Communication, journalism and translation
  • Postgraduate, Social and Legal Sciences, Communication, journalism and translation
  • Graduate, Social and Legal Sciences, Communication, journalism and translation


  • Master in Political and Institutional Communication


  • Master in Project Management and Culture of Change

  • Academic Director - UPF Barcelona School of Management
  • Department director - UPF Barcelona School of Management
  • Vice deans and Area Director, Unspecified - UPF Barcelona School of Management
  • Faculty, Management, Law, Society & Humanities - UPF Barcelona School of Management
  • Academic Director, Management, Law, Society & Humanities - UPF Barcelona School of Management
  • Faculty - Universitat Oberta de Catalunya

Actividad Investigadora y transferencia

  • RAJMIL BONET, D., MORALES, L., L., AIRA FOIX, T. (2024). COVID-19 vaccine race. The shadow of political and multinational interests. Cogent Social Sciences, Barcelona, España.
  • GUERRERO SOLÉ, F., PUJADAS, E., AIRA FOIX, T., MAS-MANCHÓN, L. (2022). Politicized celebrities against far-right on Twitter. Political preferences and activity of users retweeting Rosalia’s anti Vox tweet after the 2019 general elections in Spain. Revista Mediterránea de Comunicación, Valéncia, España.
  • DANIEL RAJMIL, D., LUCÍA MORALES, L., AIRA FOIX, T., MARIONA CARDONA VALLES, M. (2022). Afghanistan: A Multidimensional Crisis. Peace Review, Gran Bretaña.
  • RAJMIL BONET, D., MORALES, L., L., AIRA FOIX, T., CARDONA VALLÈS, M. (2022). Afghanistan: A Multidimensional Crisis. Peace Review, Gran Bretaña.
  • GUERRERO SOLÉ, F., MAS-MANCHÓN, L., AIRA FOIX, T. (2022). El impacto de la ultraderecha en Twitter durante las elecciones españolas de 2019. Cuadernos.info, Chile.
  • AIRA FOIX, T. (2023). Cos a terra.. Editorial La Campana, Barcelona, España.
  • AIRA FOIX, T. (2022). Les estratègies comunicatives 4.0 i la comunicació organitzativa als ens locals. Tirant lo Blanch, España.
  • AIRA FOIX, T. (2022). Explicacions sobre la crisi al cos de Mossos d'Esquadra. RTVE, España.
  • AIRA FOIX, T. (2023). La noche en 24 horas.. RTVE, Madrid, España.
  • AIRA FOIX, T. (2023). Fer pactes o fer el préssec.. La Vanguardia, Barcelona, España.
  • AIRA FOIX, T. (2023). Sánchez vira un transatlàntic.. La Vanguardia, Barcelona, España.
  • AIRA FOIX, T. (2023). Mentides arriscades.. La Vanguardia, Barcelona, España.
  • AIRA FOIX, T. (2023). Escoltin el silenci.. La Vanguardia, Barcelona, España.
  • AIRA FOIX, T. (2023). No eren morts.. La Vanguardia, Barcelona, España.
  • AIRA FOIX, T. (2023). Presentació llibre 'La intel·ligència artificial explicada als humans', de Jordi Torres.. RTVE, España.
  • AIRA FOIX, T. (2023). Espanha debate investidura (já) com Sánchez à procura da mão da Catalunha. noticiasaominuto.com, Lisboa, Portugal.
  • AIRA FOIX, T. (2023). El independentismo celebra una Diada crucial en la contradicción de reflotar el movimiento mientras negocia la gobernabilidad de España. Infobae, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  • AIRA FOIX, T. (2023). Brecha generacional: cicatrices que mutan en grietas.. La Vanguardia, Barcelona, España.
  • AIRA FOIX, T. (2023). Impossibles que muten.. La Vanguardia, Barcelona, España.
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  • AIRA FOIX, T. (2023). Horizonte ODS: más allá de un compromiso / La transformación en las cadenas de suministro. UPF Barcelona School of Management, Barcelona, España.