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Academic Year 21/22 Opening Ceremony


1 d'octubre a les 19h


UPF Barcelona School of Management


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The UPF Barcelona School of Management will open the academic year 2021/2022 on October 1st, 7pm

Even though seating capacity is limited due to pandemic health measures, UPF-BSM Auditorium will host the opening ceremony of the new academic year. The keynote will be given by Prof. Ingmar Björkman of the Aalto University School of Business, who will address the role of management schools in shaping the leaders of the future. 

The session will be attended by Hble. Ms. Victòria Alsina, Catalan Minister for Foreign Action and Open Government, as well as students from the class of 2022. The Rector of UPF, Oriol Amat, and the Director General of UPF-BSM, José M. Martínez-Sierra, will also be present. 

The event can be followed in person (with limited seats) and also by streaming. In order to attend in person, it will be necessary to register in advance by filling out this form. Seating is limited, so registration will be closed when the event is fully booked. 

We look forward to seeing you!


7:00 pm – Performance of the Prelude from the 1st Suite for solo cello by Bach

  • Josep M. Galí, Vicedean for Development & Partner Programs

7:02 pm – Welcome

  • José M. Martínez-Sierra, Director General of UPF Barcelona School of Management

7:07 pm – Speech by representatives of Class of 2022

  • Paula Alejandra Sánchez, MSc in Management
  • Qianying Núria Zhou, Master in Professional Legal Practice & Executive Director for China Global Strategy UPF-BSM

7:15 pm – Institutional Speech

  • Hble. Ms. Victòria Alsina, Catalan Minister for Foreign Action and Open Government

7:25 pm – Keynote Lecture

  • Prof. Ingmar Björkman, Aalto University School of Business

7:45 pm – Closing

Oriol Amat, Rector of Pompeu Fabra University

7:55 pm – Performance of Gaudeamus Igitur

  • UPF Choir
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