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30 years promoting science communication


23 May at 18:00h


Sala Koiné UPF-BSM

invitación evento con pastel en forma de ADN

The Master's in Scientific, Medical and Environmental Communication is celebrating its 30th anniversary, as is the UPF-BSM, by organising a special event at the business school that will serve as a meeting point for professionals from the sector (including alumni from this programme) and will focus on reflecting on how the profession has evolved and where it is heading.

The event will feature a round table with top-level speakers to debate and reflect on the adaptation and, above all, anticipation of change in the field of scientific communication:

•    Gema Revuelta, director of the Centre for the Study of Science, Communication and Society (UPF) and the Master in Scientific, Medical and Environmental Communication (UPF-BSM). Vice-president of the Spanish Association of Scientific Communication).
- Vladimir de Semir, founder of the Master in Scientific, Medical and Environmental Communication, journalist and university lecturer specialising in science and medical communication.
- Rubén Permuy, president of the Catalan Association of Scientific Communication and Master's Degree in Scientific, Medical and Environmental Communication (Alumni UPF-BSM). 
- Jesús Méndez, freelance journalist and science writer. Doctor, PhD in Biochemistry and Master's Degree in Scientific, Medical and Environmental Communication (Alumni UPF-BSM).
- Nuria Noriega, director of communication at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) and Master's Degree in Scientific, Medical and Environmental Communication (Alumni UPF-BSM).

Afterwards, attendees will be able to enjoy a speed networking session with the aim of boosting interaction between alumni.

Register here

When: 23 May 2024

Where: Sala Koiné. UPF Barcelona School of Management (C/Balmes, 132-134)

17:30 - 18:00 Opening of doors and registration
18:05 - 18:15 Institutional welcome
18:15 - 18:20 Video MCC 30 years "Te deseo...".
18:20 - 19:30 Round table "How has the profession evolved and where are we going?"
19:30 - 20:15 Speed networking and toast

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