Friday March 25, 10 am
Balmes Auditorium (UPF-BSM) / Streaming
We are entering a global energy crisis unprecedented in human history. The increasing availability of fossil fuels has come to an end and renewable energies will not be able to fill the energy gap they are leaving. Hence, the energy transition is an imperative, not only from a climate point of view, but also from an economic and systemic point of view. Proof of this is the enormous impact that Russia's attack on Ukraine, two of the world's largest energy exporters, is having on Europe's energy supply.
In this context, the Johns Hopkins University - Pompeu Fabra University Public Policy Center (JHU-UPF Public Policy Center) will present the View Point "The energy crisis in the world today: analysis of the World Energy Outlook 2021", prepared by Antonio Turiel, scientist and researcher at the CSIC's Institut de les Ciències del Mar (ICM), on 25 March at 10 am.
During the session, which can be followed live at the Auditorium of the UPF Barcelona School of Management (UPF-BSM) with prior registration or via streaming, Turiel will critically examine the highlights of the International Energy Agency's annual report in the context of the global energy crisis and the risk of energy and social collapse, advocating energy rationalisation and the protection of basic needs.
The first of the JHU-UPF Public Policy Center Policy Dialogues, supported by the UPF-BSM, will be an opportunity to learn about the magnitude of the energy crisis and to reflect together on some of its main causes and consequences.
Speech of CSIC
Speech of the JHU-UPF Public Policy Center
Presentation of the study's conclusions