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Creativity and technology

UPF-BSMCreativity and Technology

In the area of Creativity and Technology, we offer you a wide range of possibilities to deploy your creativity and turn it into the basis of your profession.

Creativity and Technology

Documentary filmmaking, video editing and editing or video game design and programming are some of the masters, postgraduate and courses with which you can launch yourself into the world of creativity. With our programs, you will learn to handle essential transversal tools in the immediate future of creativity such as innovation, blockchain or design thinking. And all without losing sight of the management and management of skills and resources.

The training and methodology are continuously updated thanks to the Technology and Operations Advisory Board, formed by Jordi Arrufí, Josep Maria Martorell, August Mabilon, Jordi Torrent, Marian Garrigues, Enric Martí, Núria Piñol, Marta Losada, Patricia Fernández, Jordi Duran, Josep M. Berengueras, Helena Ramalhinho, Quim Escura and Joan Lluís García.

Sala de estudio UPF-BSM

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