Profesor de Investigación Ramón y Cajal de la UPF Barcelona School of Management. Doctor en Gestión por la University of St. Gallen. Antes de incorporarse a la Universitat Pompeu Fabra, ha sido investigador postdoctoral de IESE Business School e investigador visitante en la Texas A&M University. Acreditación de investigación (profesorado agregado) por AQU.
Sus intereses de investigación incluyen estrategia corporativa, diversificación, redistribución de recursos y modelos de negocio. Su trabajo ha sido publicado o aceptado en revistas de gestión líderes como Management Science, Organization Science, y Strategic Management Journal.
Asimismo, ha sido galardonado con varios premios de la comunidad de investigación internacional, incluido el premio Corporate Strategy IG Best Paper...
Business & Management Strategy
Doctor, Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas, Administración y dirección de empresas
Master Of Science, Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas, Economía, gestión y ciencas de la salud
Licenciado / Título de grado, Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas, Business and Health Sciences
Profesor Ramón y Cajal - UPF Barcelona School of Management
Visiting Postdoctoral Researcher - Texas A&M University
Postdoctoral Researcher - IESE
Actividad Investigadora y transferencia
SOHL, T., MCCANN, B. T., VROOM, G. (2024). The Transmission of Economic Shocks in Multi-Divisional Organizations: An Empirical Analysis of the Global Retail Industry. Organization Science.
SOHL, T., HAMELIN, A., FITZA, M. A. (2024). A resource dependence perspective on the business group effect in developed markets: Evidence from Western Europe firms. European Management Review.
SOHL, T., FOLTA, T. B. (2024). Do firms proactively build internal markets for redeployment? Evidence from a natural experiment. Management Science.
SOHL, T., MCCANN, B. T., VROOM, G. (2022). Business model diversification: Demand relatedness, entry sequencing, and curvilinearity in the diversification-performance relationship. Long Range Planning.
SOHL, T., FOLTA, T. B. (2021). Market exit and the potential for resource redeployment: Evidence from the global retail sector. Strategic Management Journal.
SOHL, T., FOLTA, T. B. (2021). Declining Markets, Resource Specificity, and Redeployment Decisions. Strategic Management Review.
SOHL, T., VROOM, G., MCCANN, B. T. (2020). Business model diversification and firm performance: A demand-side perspective. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal.
SOHL, T., VROOM, G., FITZA, M. A. (2020). How Much Does Business Model Matter for Firm Performance? A Variance Decomposition Analysis. Academy of Management Discoveries.
SOHL, T., VROOM, G., MCCANN, B. T. (2019). La diversificación de los modelos de negocio: cómo lograr que múltiples modelos funcionen en su empresa. Harvard Deusto, España.
OH, C. H., SOHL, T., RUGMAN, A. (2015). Regional and product diversification and the performance of retail multinationals. Journal of International Management.
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SOHL, T., VROOM, G., MCCANN, B. T. (2024). Managing a business model portfolio: An empirical analysis of organizational conflicts and solutions.. Nova Science Publishers.
SOHL, T., VROOM, G. (2017). Mergers and acquisitions revisited: The role of business model relatedness. Emerald, Bingley, Gran Bretaña.
SOHL, T., RUDOLPH, T. (2013). Formatdiversifikation: Strategien und Erfolgswirkung. Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
RUDOLPH, T., SOHL, T. (2010). Welche Innovationspfade führen zum Erfolg? Shaker Verlag.
RUDOLPH, T., SOHL, T., HOEDL, J., BAUER, J. (2010). Wie ist die Akzeptanz von Serviceinnovationen? Shaker Verlag.
SOHL, T., MCCANN, B. T., VROOM, G. (2024). Exogenous Shocks and Survival Points in Multiunit Firms. Wharton Corporate Strategy and Innovation Conference.
SOHL, T., FOLTA, T. B. (2022). Diversifying Entry, Resource Relatedness, and Redeployability: Evidence from a Natural Experiment. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2022 (1). doi:10.5465/AMBPP.2022.12016abstract.
DICKLER, T. A., SOHL, T. (2022). Resource Redeployment: Advances, Challenges, and Future Research. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2022(1). doi:
SOHL, T., MCCANN, B. T., VROOM, G. (2021). The Transmission of Economic Shocks in Multi-Divisional Firms. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2021 (1), 11621. doi:10.5465/AMBPP.2021.11621abstract.
SOHL, T., FOLTA, T. (2021). Property Transfer Tax, Resource Redeployability, and Related Diversification: Evidence from Multiunit Chains. Strategic Management Society.
SOHL, T., MCCANN, B. T., VROOM, G. (2020). The Transmission of Economic Shocks in Multi-Divisional Firms: A Capabilities-Based View. Strategic Management Society.
SOHL, T., FOLTA, T. (2020). Market Exit and the Potential for Resource Redeployment: Evidence from the Global Retail Sector. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2020 (1), 16601. doi:10.5465/AMBPP.2020.16601abstract.
SOHL, T., MCCANN, B. T., VROOM, G. (2020). The Transmission of Economic Shocks in Multi-Divisional Firms: A Capabilities-Based View. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2020 (1), 16591. doi:10.5465/AMBPP.2020.16591abstract.
DICKLER, T. A., FOLTA, T., SOHL, T., OTROS , O. (2019). Resource Redeployment and Corporate Strategy. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2019 (1), 12810. doi:10.5465/AMBPP.2019.12810symposium.
SOHL, T., FOLTA, T. B. (2019). Regulatory impediments and the redeployability of physical assets: Implications for investment decisions. Wharton Corporate Strategy and Innovation Conference, United States of America.
SOHL, T., VROOM, G., MCCANN, B. T. (2018). Performance Implications of Business Model Diversification: The Role of Demand Conditions. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2018 (1), 11998. doi:10.5465/AMBPP.2018.11998abstract.
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SOHL, T., BURGUETE, V., TORRENS, L. (2014). Foreign direct investment in Barcelona: A city focused on growth. Ajuntament de Barcelona, Barcelona, España.
SOHL, T., RUDOLPH, T., WAGNER, T. (2009). Kundensegmentierung im Handel: Kaufmotive erkennen und nutzen. Marketing Review St. Gallen (formerly: Thexis).
SOHL, T., SAUERESSIG, W. (2009). Development and deployment of brand protection strategies for China. Marketing Review St. Gallen (formerly: Thexis).