Doctor en Business Administration por la Stanford Graduate School of Business, MSc en Management Science and Engineering por la Stanford University, diplomado en Ingeniería por Supélec y licenciado en Economía por la Universidad de París XI. Es codirector académico del Executive Master in Business Administration (EMBA) de la UPF Barcelona School of Management, catedrático del Departamento de Economía y Empresa de la Universidad Pompeu Fabra y profesor afiliado en la Barcelona School of Economics.
Ha impartido docencia en INSEAD, London Business School, ESADE y la Universidad de Lugano, y ha ocupado cargos en las universidades de Southern Denmark y New York. Sus...
Business & Management Strategy
Doctor, Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas, Administración y dirección de empresas
Master Of Science, Ingeniería y Arquitectura, Creatividad y Tecnología
Ingeniero Técnico, Ingeniería y Arquitectura, Creatividad y Tecnología
Licenciado / Título de grado, Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas, Economía, gestión y ciencas de la salud
Executive MBA (EMBA)
Master of Science in Management specialization in Marketing
Co-Director Académico - UPF Barcelona School of Management
Profesor - University of Southern Denmark
Profesor - New York University
Profesor - UPF Barcelona School of Management
Actividad Investigadora y transferencia
KONOVALOVA, E., LE MENS, G. G. M., SCHÖLL, N. (2023). Social media feedback and extreme opinion expression. PLOS ONE.
LE MENS, G. G. M., OTROS , O. (2023). Uncovering the semantics of concepts using GPT-4. The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS).
LE MENS, G. G. M., KOVÁCS, B., HANNAN, M., PROS, G. (2023). Using Machine Learning to Uncover the Semantics of Concepts: How Well Do Typicality Measures Extracted from a BERT Text Classifier Match Human Judgments of Genre Typicality? Sociological Science.
SCHÖLL, N., GALLEGO HERRERA, J. C., LE MENS, G. G. M. (2023). How Politicians Learn from Citizens’ Feedback: The Case of Gender on Twitter. American Journal of Political Science.
LE MENS, G. G. M. (2021). Evaluating categories from experience: The simple averaging heuristic.. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.
LE MENS, G. G. M. (2020). An information sampling explanation for the in-group heterogeneity effect.. Psychological Review.
LE MENS, G. G. M. (2020). Revisiting the competency trap. Industrial and Corporate Change.
LE MENS, G. G. M. (2019). Information Sampling, Judgment, and the Environment: Application to the Effect of Popularity on Evaluations. Topics in Cognitive Science.
LE MENS, G. G. M. (2018). Feature inference with uncertain categorization: Re-assessing Anderson’s rational model. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review.
LE MENS, G. G. M. (2018). How Endogenous Crowd Formation Undermines the Wisdom of the Crowd in Online Ratings. Psychological Science.
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KONOVALOVA, E., LE MENS, G. G. M. (2023). Opinion Homogenization and Polarization. IN: Sampling in Judgement and Decision Making. Cambridge University Press.
LE MENS, G. G. M. (2019). Concepts and Categories: Foundations for Sociological and Cultural Analysis. Columbia University Press, New York, Estados Unidos.
LE MENS, G. G. M. (2019). The few-get-reicher: a surprising consequence of popularity-based rankings. Economics and Business Working Papers Series.