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Accounting Summer Camp - V Edición


July 13th to 15th 2022


UPF Barcelona School of Management

Accounting Summer Camp

The Accounting Research Groups at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra, UPF Barcelona School of Management, Free University of Bolzano and University of Padua are pleased to announce that the fifth edition of the Accounting Summer Camp will be take place from July 13th to 15th, 2022.

The Accounting Summer Camp will feature two events:

  • An Early Researcher Consortium (July 13th and 14th) in which early career researchers will:
    • Attend masterclasses held by Prof. Eva Labro, Prof. Shiva Rajgopal and Prof. Stefano Cascino.
    • Present their working papers and get feedback from the senior faculty in residence.
  • The JLFA Conference (July 14th and 15th) in which selected papers will be presented.


Visit the Accounting Summer Camp website

The event benefits from support by the project COMPVID (SR21-00098) within the La Caixa Social Research framework.


La Caixa
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