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Gert Cornelissen

Gert Cornelissen

Associate Professor UPF
Director Acadèmic

  • Business & Management Strategy

  • Doctor, Ciènies, Altres. Psicologia.
  • Màster Universitari, Ciència, Altres. Psicologia
  • Llicenciat / Títol de Grau, Ciències, Altres, Psicologia.


  • Master of Science in Management specialization in Marketing
  • Master of Science in Marketing

  • Director Acadèmic - UPF Barcelona School of Management
  • Professor - Escola Superior Comerç Internacional

Actividad Investigadora y transferencia

  • HUBER, C., CORNELISSEN, G., OTROS , O. (2023). Competition and moral behavior: A meta-analysis of forty-five crowd-sourced experimental designs. The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS).
  • CORNELISSEN, G., BROWER, C., C., BOLDERDIJK, J. W., KURZ, T., T. (2022). Communication strategies for moral rebels: How to talk about change in order to inspire self-efficacy in others. WIREs Climate Change.
  • BOLDERDIJK, J. W., CORNELISSEN, G. (2022). “How do you know someone's vegan?” They won't always tell you. An empirical test of the do-gooder's dilemma. Appetite.
  • RODE, J., HEINZ, N., CORNELISSEN, G., LE MENESTREL, M. (2021). How to encourage business professionals to adopt sustainable practices? Experimental evidence that the ‘business case’ discourse can backfire. Journal of Cleaner Production.
  • CORNELISSEN, G. (2018). When Do Morally Motivated Innovators Elicit Inspiration Instead of Irritation? Frontiers in Psychology.
  • RODE, J., LE MENESTREL, M., CORNELISSEN, G. (2017). Ecosystem Service Arguments Enhance Public Support for Environmental Protection - But Beware of the Numbers! Ecological Economics.
  • , CORNELISSEN, G. (2017). Registered Replication Report: Rand, Greene, and Nowak (2012). Perspectives on Psychological Science.
  • COJUHARENCO, I., CORNELISSEN, G., KARELAIA, N. (2016). Yes, I can: Feeling connected to others increases perceived effectiveness and socially responsible behavior. Journal of Environmental Psychology.
  • CORNELISSEN, G., BASHSHUR, M. R., RODE, J., LE MENESTREL, M. (2013). Rules or Consequences? The Role of Ethical Mind-Sets in Moral Dynamics. Psychological Science.
  • CORNELISSEN, G., DEWITTE, S., WARLOP, L. (2011). Are Social Value Orientations Expressed Automatically? Decision Making in the Dictator Game. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin.
  • CORNELISSEN, G., PANDELAERE, M., WARLOP, L., DEWITTE, S. (2008). Positive cueing: Promoting sustainable consumer behavior by cueing common environmental behaviors as environmental. International Journal of Research in Marketing.
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