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Daniel Navarro Martínez

Assistant Professor UPF
Professro, Business & Management Strategy

Daniel Navarro Martínez és Doctor en Economia per la Universitat Jaume I, Màster en Economia, Postgrau en Educació, Llicenciat en Administració d'Empreses, per la mateixa institució. És professor del Master of Science in Management de la UPF Barcelona School of Management.

Daniel és professor agregat a la Universitat Pompeu Fabra i a la Barcelona School of Economics. Les seves àrees de recerca són Economia del comportament, comportament del consumidor, anàlisi i presa de decisions, teoria de les decisions, havent desenvolupat activitat de recerca a la London School of Ecnomics, i a les universitats de Nottingham i Warwick, al Regne Unit, i...

  • Business & Management Strategy

  • Doctor en Economia
  • Màster Universitari, Economia
  • Postgrau en Educació
  • Llicenciat Administració d'Empreses


  • Master of Science in Management specialization in Marketing

  • Professro, Business & Management Strategy - UPF Barcelona School of Management
  • Recercador - London School of Economics
  • Membre de l'equip de recerca - University of Warwick
  • Membre de l'equip de recerca - Centre for Decision Research and Experimental Economics
  • Membre de l'equip de recerca - California State University

Actividad Investigadora y transferencia

  • WANG, X., NAVARRO MARTÍNEZ, D. (2023). Increasing the external validity of social preference games by reducing measurement error. Games and Economic Behavior.
  • WANG, X., NAVARRO MARTÍNEZ, D. (2023). Bridging the gap between the economics lab and the field: Dictator games and donations. Judgment and Decision Making.
  • YAMAMOTO, S., NAVARRO MARTÍNEZ, D. (2022). The endowment effect in the future: How time shapes buying and selling prices. Judgment and Decision Making.
  • PIRLA, S., NAVARRO MARTÍNEZ, D. (2022). Does boredom affect economic risk preferences? Judgment and Decision Making.
  • VIGLIA, G., MARAS, M., NAVARRO MARTÍNEZ, D., SCHUMANN, J. (2019). Paying Before or Paying After? Timing and Uncertainty in Pay-What-You-Want Pricing. Journal of Service Research.
  • GALIZZI, M. M., NAVARRO MARTÍNEZ, D. (2019). On the External Validity of Social Preference Games: A Systematic Lab-Field Study. Management Science.
  • NAVARRO MARTÍNEZ, D., OTROS , O. (2018). Boundedly rational expected utility theory. Journal of Risk and Uncertainty.